Welcome back to this ongoing series where we present you with some traditions carried around the world before stepping into a new house!
If you liked part 1 of the series, you would undoubtedly love this part 2 as well since we bringing you rituals that are carried out from another culture this time, namely India.
Indian Rituals
1. Choosing an Auspicious Date and Time
Natives of India believe that new things should only be done during an auspicious date and time which are usually provided by a Hindu priest. The same applies to relocation. A priest will consult the Hindu calendar to examine essential astrological elements which can affect the date and time of moving.
Some aspects which are taken into consideration are the moon phases, zodiac and numerology. For instance, the first full moon day, which is called ‘Purnima’ is considered a very auspicious day for the Hindus and hence moving into a new house on that particular day brings fortune to the residents of the house.
The sole purpose of this tradition is to bring success and to ward off evil spirits.
2. Entering With the Right Foot First
As per the Indian customs, it is vital that one step over the new house’s threshold with the right foot. This tradition’s origin can be traced back in Hindu religious scriptures, where the right side is seen as spiritual while the left side is material. Therefore, this act symbolises a good omen that brings great fortune to a house.
3. Performing the “Vastu Puja”
In India, the Vastu Shastra refers to an ancient guide for constructing a house where elements of nature are integrated into the house’s architecture. It also refers to the ‘science of architecture’.
‘Vastu Puja’is a religious prayer offered to the Vastu Purush, the protector of the house, to eliminate the house’s architectural flaws and seek forgiveness for the damage caused to nature due to the construction. This fire ritual is also performed to ask Vastu Purush blessings for happiness and wealth and protection of the house.
4. Griha Pravesh Puja
Griha Pravesh is a traditional Hindu ceremony that is performed when you enter a new house for the first time. This ritual’s main objective is to sanctify the new home from any bad omen and bring happiness, prosperity, and good health. To start the ‘Griha Pravesh puja’, you will need to prepare a small shrine area with a picture of a deity in whom you have faith. However, this spiritual prayer is generally centred on the Lord Ganesha, who can clear all obstacles and bestow wealth and happiness to a family.
For the prayer, you will also need small oil lamps, incense sticks and holy water. A copper pot should be filled with holy water, nine types of grains and a coin and should be placed on the altar.
You can either call a priest home to conduct the prayer and to bless the house or the ceremony can also be carried out within the family. The head of the family will generally start by saying a specific prayer and then lighting a lamp to chase the darkness away and invite light and good fortune.
This house-warming tradition is regarded as the second most crucial tradition after a wedding ceremony.
5. Boiling Milk
After the ‘Griha Pravesh puja’ is carried out, the next ritual consists of boiling milk. A female figure in the house carries out this task and the milk is boiled until it spills over the new pot. This represents an abundance of food and prosperity coming into a house.
A glass of milk is given to God and the rest of the milk is shared among family members which symbolise the sharing of both sorrow and joy.
6. Bringing a New Broom
According to Indian traditions, it is essential to purchase a new broom for your new house and leave the old one in your last house as it represents leaving past mistakes and failures behind and starting afresh. Carrying an old broom with you is believed to bring evil spirits into your new home.
7. Sprinkling Salt
In India, salt is seen as an essential element that brings flavour both in a dish and in a house. Hence, salt is sprinkled in every room of the house and also near windows and doors. This ritual aims to keep malevolent spirits and negative energy from entering the house.
8. Other Rituals
Some more traditions and measures are followed while entering a new house. For instance, red chillies and limes tied with a thread are hung outside the door to protect the house from evil eyes and spirits.
Moreover, the fennel which is a herb is believed to have spiritual power and as a result, is stuffed in keyholes to drive away black magic.
What do you think about these Indian customs and traditions? Please share your opinions!