One of the troubles of moving is not knowing when exactly you should start. You don’t want to start too early and end up in an empty home, but you also don’t want to start too late and miss important deadlines. By following the guide below, you’ll know exactly when its time to start packing.
8 weeks before the move: Getting your things ready
Begin by dedicating a notebook and folder to all you move-related work. This will help you keep track of all the details concerning your move, from important receipts and documents to the detailed to-do list you’ll check off.
The next thing you should do is collect packing materials, this includes all your boxes, tape, markers, and bubble wrap. This might be the only time when starting early, even too early, is a good thing. Once the packing starts, you’ll be surprised how quickly boxes fill up.
Next, start sorting all your belongings. A simple rule is to keep three piles, one for keeping, another for discarding, and the last for everything you will donate or sell. The sooner you have sorted through your things the quicker you can book a moving company.
4 weeks before the move: Starting to pack
Once you know how many things you’ll be taking, its easier to book a company based on the right-sized truck. Do a bit of research first, and pick a company with a good reputation. Always remember to confirm the date, time, and details of your move.
You can now start packing all your non-essentials, such as seasonal clothes, books, and furniture you won’t need. Don’t forget to label the boxes as well.
You should also keep stock of what food you have left, and use them up before you go on the move. Make arrangements for pets and plants, change your postal address, notify banks and credit cards, transfer insurance, and check your car’s insurance policy.
1 week before the move: The final stretch
Start packing the rest of your things and as usual don’t forget to keep them all properly labeled. But remember to pack an essential kit with all the things you will need as soon as you unpack.
If you have jewelry or any other luxuries that are traveling with you in the move, keep them sequestered from the rest of the move. You should travel with these, so you can keep them safe as you travel.
Finally, double check that the moving company and you have the same date registered, and if you want to be extra careful confirm again.
Moving day
Keep all the important documents handy in your folder and enjoy a smooth move!