For pleasure or obligation, a change of residence or moving out always represents a certain burden. It is also an opportunity to settle down and organize things. With a good reflection beforehand, the move can be smoother and the fatigue limited. Little tips for the big day, administrative procedures to anticipate or distribute boxes, and some advice to note so as not to be caught off guard. Once the move is made, it’s time to move in!
Receiving the boxes and distributing them well is not an easy task. In the middle of the furniture, a joyful mess accumulates. There is a lot of stuff and organizing this transition requires a little thought. Going room by room is a good start, starting with the places you need the most, like the kitchen or the bathroom. Also, think about all the administrative logistics. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things everyone ought to know about moving out.
1. Get organized by anticipating the key administrative steps
If this is a part of the often dreaded move, the administrative steps are necessary to be comfortable in your new home. Among the first things to do beforehand (about a week before the big day) is contact the electricity and gas suppliers in the area and the companies that manage your internet and telephone subscriptions. A few days before, notify your insurer of the change of accommodation so that you can take advantage of your home insurance as soon as you move in.
A key point in case of problems. Once you arrive in your new home, read the water, gas, and electricity meters. Also, note your name on the door and mailbox. In order to forward your mail, a temporary transfer to the Post Office gives you time to be sure that your new address is taken into account.
2. Make the moving day easier
Before you start packing, a few precautions are in order to simplify the moving day. Since you are often surrounded by friends or family who has come to lend a hand, prepare easy-to-eat items and drinks. A small survival kit with light bulbs, tools, garbage bags, toilet paper, and paper towels will always come in handy. On the day you move in, remember to pack supplies for family and friends who have come to lend a hand!
On the day you move in, remember to pack supplies for family and friends who have come to lend a hand! You should also pack a cleaning kit with a few rags, a vacuum cleaner, a mop, and a household cleaner for emergencies. The big cleanup will wait until after you’ve packed! When the movers arrive, make sure that all the boxes are there. If the apartment has common areas, protect the stairs to avoid any problems with the neighbors.
3. Prepare yourself for the first days in your new home
Even with the best will in the world, the first days after moving in are often a bit chaotic. There are still a lot of boxes to be packed, and you are slowly getting your bearings. The best thing to do is to be prepared to live a few days without all your belongings, far from your little habits. You can plan a survival suitcase with the essentials for a few days. Inside, clothes, shoes, and toiletries for everyone, equivalent to a long weekend stay.
4. Take advantage of the move to sort (again)
A crucial step when moving, sorting your belongings is necessary for packing but also unpacking. A black spot in the house: the paperwork often represents a large but useless volume. The sorting of papers must be done with a clear head to know which papers to keep and for how long. The instructions for the use of certain household appliances can be put in the trash, for example.
Many people are afraid to throw away and don’t dare to take the plunge. But it’s now or never! When unpacking the boxes, if the sorting has not been done before, it is the moment to put aside what we wish to keep, what can be given away, and what is too damaged to have a second life. Clothing, dishes, books, etc., are all concerned.
5. Take your time to organize your new home
We always hope to get everything done on the weekend, but this is rarely the case! In order to get an idea, we count about one weekend for the bathroom and the kitchen. Another for the master bedroom. And so on. No need to hurry. Don’t worry if there are still a few boxes two months later. However, keep the remaining boxes in sight, so you don’t forget them.
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