Most people who are in the moving process don’t stick the top priority label to the task of packing books. But, for a bookworm, there is nothing more precious than books. So, if you find yourself in that club (you know that book lovers club), then here are some important steps that you need to take to pack your books for moving.
Step 1: Optimize Your Book Collection
A single book page is almost weightless. And, one book: not heavy at all, two: still not really heavy. However, add at least six books together and the weight will start to feel differently. Now, imagine cramming and packing all your books in a tight place. The weight alone can surely cause you a lot of problems on your moving day.
Now, you should also consider the final moving price, which will be based mainly on the move distance and the total shipment weight. If you don’t want to end up paying a considerable sum of money, I suggest you seriously consider reducing the overall weight.
And the first question that you should ask yourself is: do you really need to take all the books you own?
Ok, calm down, I am a bookworm too (in fact, I would say bookworm to a very great extent) and I know that these books must be your treasured possessions and you wouldn’t want to abandon them. However, it is crucial to go through your book collection (book by book, that is) and choose only those copies that you must bring with you at all costs, such as prized collections, gifts from closed one or even your favorite books.
And, on a side note, I won’t blame you if you take along the whole Harry Potter book series or The Lord of the Ring series. But, you can leave Stephen King’s It behind (that is, if you don’t want Pennywise to follow you in your new home)
Step 2: Sort and Group Your Books
Following your decision (as mentioned in the first step), it is now time to sort out your books, one by one, into two piles: Take or Leave Behind.
During this step, you should consider the fact that some of your books may have been seriously damaged with time, especially if they have not been stored properly. For example, you may have a few missing book covers or some torn book pages. So, as they no longer have that original worth as when you first bought them, you can place them in the Leave Behind stack (I can understand your pain. I know it’s a very painful choice. Even more painful than a break-up.)
The books in the Take pile should be appropriately organized by size so as they can speed up both the packing and unpacking process.
Step 3: Decide What to Do With Unwanted Books
Ok, it might sound hurtful when I say “unwanted” books (as books can never be unwanted items and only a true book lover can understand what I mean). But, here it is a must to leave some books behind. But, what do you do exactly with them?
- If you have a fine weather and sufficient time, why don’t you organize a garage sale? And, you might also earn some extra money in the process (which can help to cover some of the moving expenses).
- Invite your loved ones, neighbors of friends over to your place and let them search through the Leave Behind books. And, if they like any books, well, they can just take them.
- Donate to some libraries, hospitals, schools or nursing homes.
- Send the too damaged paper copies to a local recycling center.
Step 4: Get Proper Book Packing Supplies
Let’s find out what are the right packing materials for your books:
- Book boxes – Cardboard boxes are preferred because they are super strong as they are made up of thick cardboard and they are also very clean.
- Packing paper – Soft and clean packing paper is required to pack valuable books.
- Newspapers – As it is readily available and free of charge, newsprint is considered as the perfect material for packing books.
- Packing tape
Will you follow these steps? Please share your comments.