The faster you move out of your apartment or house, the quicker you’ll be finished with all the stress that comes with moving. Follows are 7 tips that can help speed up your moving process:
Pack Early
You may think it’s not really helpful to start packing early but you can save a lot of time by packing your appliances, clothes, and other stuff as early as possible. This will also give you enough time to know what you want to keep or what you can sell in garage sales!
One effective way of packing is by organizing all of your boxes by room and making sure they’re clearly labeled. Put all the kitchen utensils in the kitchen box and all the room stuff in the room box. This will further help your movers unpack the boxes in the required room.
Ask For Help
It’s always useful to ask for help. More hands are always welcomed! You may ask your family members, friends, and relatives for assistance. This way, you can pack and unpack quicker, ensuring everything is in its perfect place. Just be sure to treat everyone with some pizza and drinks afterward.
Move Early
If your lease starts before the big moving day, then you can start moving things beforehand. Even if it’s just a couple of boxes or suitcases, you’re still going to save ample time and space when the big day arrives.

More Vehicles
Although you’ll be having your moving company helping you that day, you may still choose to ask some families with cars to help you carry some boxes. This way, there will be fewer travels by the moving company, ensuring you save money, and getting all of your things quicker.
Late Night Preparation
It’s true you need to get maximum rest the night before moving but I think that’s the best time to prepare yourself. You’re going to be too exhausted on the big day. So make sure you pack as many boxes as you can the night before and when you wake up, you’re ready to carry them.
Pack the Truck Strategically
When loading the truck, put all the heavy items such as furniture first, then follow up with your boxes and bags. Always load the biggest items first to ensure all your big boxes can fit. If there’s anything you’ll need immediately after arriving at your destination, save it until the very end as it’ll be the last stuff you load onto the truck.